We appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete this Exit Survey. All responses will be held in strict confidence and will be used in our ongoing recruitment and retention program. |
How Long (Years and Months) have you been with the Agency?
| How Long (Years and Months) have you been in your Current Position? |
For Which Program/Center/ Board/Commission are/were you Working? |
| Are You Leaving? |
Race |
| Gender |
Please check each statement below which reflect the main reason(s) why you are leaving your current position. |
Transferring Within the Agency | | Returning to School | | Retiring | |
Transferring to Another State Agency | | Relocating | | Career Opportunity | |
Going to the Private Sector | | Other Reason(s) |
* |
Please check each statement below that strongly influenced your decision to leave your current position. Leave blank those items that had little or no influence on your decision to leave. |
Health Reasons (Self) | | Job Match with Skills | | Job Stress | |
Health Reasons (Family) | | Relations with Co-Workers | | Workload/ Caseload | |
Child Care or Elder Care Responsibilities | | Relations with Supervisor/Manager | | Working Conditions (Travel, Hours, On Call) | |
Pay and Benefits | | Other Influence(s) |
* |
Would You Consider Working for the Agency Again? |
Please Rate the Following Statements Concerning Your Employment with the Agency. |
My Supervisor's Expectations, Work Assignments, and Deadlines were Reasonable and Clearly Communicated |
My Supervisor Provided Timely and Useful Feedback About my Job Performance |
My Work Unit Worked Well Together as a Team to Effectively accomplish our Assigned Tasks. |
My Supervisor Allowed and Encouraged my Participation in Training Courses, Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops |
My Supervisor was Effective in Administering his/her Work Unit |
I Completed Several Training Courses Offered by yhe Agency to Improve my Job Skills and my Competiveness for Promotion. (If not, Please Indicate in the Additional Comments the Courses you Needed and why they were not Available) |
I was Provided a Good Orientation to the Job and the Agency |
My Opportunities for Advancement in the Agency were Very Good. (If not, Please Explain in the Additional Comments) |
My Paycheck was Always Accurate and On Time. (If not, Please Explain in the Additional Comments) |
The Agency Provided a Good Employee Benefit Package |
My Work Accomplishments were Recognized |
Work Performance Standards were Reasonable and Applied Fairly |
I Received Adequate Resources to Perform my Job |
I Would Recommend my Section/Unit as a Good Place to Work |
I Would Recommend the Agency as a Good Place to Work |
The COVID-19 Pandemic Influenced my Decision to Leave |
Additional Comment or Notes |
This Exit Survey is for the Deputy Director Only, not Human Resources | |